Pre-game @ Legends in Roppongi - The place was PACKED.

Miki: "It's too crowded, let's just hop through the window." So we did.

Konbini run: Ukon and zero calorie grapefruit chu-hais @ the break before PK...

The crowd
Also... If you watch the video - you see like this older Japanese guy behind us... He was super rowdy, kept cheering real loud - So we kind of made friends with him. When Miki & I went to get a drink we were casually like, "You need something?" (since it was jam packed and impossible to get service). He goes "ohh ohh hai hai get me bottle wine" shows me the wine bottle- gives me ichi-man yen (equiv to USD100) and goes "keep the change". So we bought another wine for our table as well plus a tip. :)
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