On Saturday we had a girls night and saw Sex and the City 2! Contrary to the awful reviews... As an avid fan, I had no complaints! Fluff is what I wanted and it's what I got with specificity to: Some garish, ostentatious frocks (some fabulous and some fabulously hideous but entertaining nonetheless), a two hour tourist advertisement for the gorgeous Abu Dhabi, and a plethora of hot guys...Hello Aiden and Smith- Thank you for making me miss my tan terribly.

Earlier that day, I did a little shopping. I picked up some new friends... Hello lovelies.

Yes, I know I have a serious shoe problem / fetish. I guess it was only fitting that I was in Carrie Bradshaw's company later that evening.
Before the movie, I went to this GREAT yakitori restaurant on Saturday in Azabujuban called Kotatsu. It's a small hole in the wall restaurant and as they say in Japan, "shibui". The best way I can explain shibui is like old school, dapper, cool- like George Clooney. ***Disclaimer: FYI- My Japanese is by no means good enough to be explaining what words mean

We had bania cauda (See? It's a totally trendy appetizer in Japan esp. since this was a Japanese restaurant and they still had it!), shiitake/tsukune, bacon/tomato, bacon/asparagus (yes I love my bacon), atsuage (deep fried tofu), seared chicken with ume and satsumaimo (purple potato) croquette! Since I can't finish a meal without something sweet, I indulged in kurogoma (black sesame) ice cream for dessert. You may be thinking the same thing as me... How good can black sesame ice cream be?! But it was GOOD. I loved this little place, I'll definitely be back :)
Today was a great day. I slept in for a bit and then met my friend Nina for lunch in Azabujuban. I promise sometimes I leave juban but it's incredibly conveniently located and there are so many great restaurants that I have trouble branching out!!! Nina and I met when we studied abroad in Tokyo at Sophia together. She's here for a couple months doing an intensive Japanese language program since it's a requirement to get her MBA. We had omuraisu at this place called Windsor Cafe.
Photo credit: Azabujuban Organization
Since it was soo gorgeous and hot out we decided to walk to Hiroo and do a little picnic in the park (mainly so I could tan). We picked up a roll cake with fresh fruit, tea, a mat from the 100 yen store and set up camp. I LOVE THIS PARK! Unfortunately my camera died so I couldn't document anything. (; ;) But I plan to go there a lot more so next time I'll post some pictures! Hiroo is an ex-pat community and because of this there are tons little kids speaking English (which is refreshing) but what's even better are all the hapa halfies running around! They're sooo cute! Wow, could I be any more of a sucker for mixed babies?
My new weekly ritual has been to go to a hot stone spa - which is about a ten minute walk from my house. My favorite neighbor, Marie, introduced me to this place, Arashinoyu and we try to go every weekend together. It's a sauna/steam room type deal, but the floor is made of layers and layers of mineral rocks (we're talking like hundreds of thousands of stones). You sweat like no other but it feels damn good. We also do a 20 minute yoga facial when we go there (which is basically a facial/head massage). All this for.... JPY3900=Less than USD39. Which I think is a really really good deal.

We broke the rules a bit and did dessert before dinner. Pictured above is a taiyaki (a crust filled with azuki beans shaped like a fish). Marie loves taiyaki and had been raving about it forever. Today she was so sweet and bought me one! I didn't think I would be a fan but this little guy was DELICIOUS! Crispy on the outside, soft and warm in the center. Apparently this place - Naniwaya - is very very famous. People wait in line and it can take up to an hour to get your taiyaki because they individually make each one! JPY130 (less than USD1.30) for one. Oh and did I mention it's in Azabujuban too? Hehe.
For dinner we went to this new fish restaurant... Below please find the extent of my cooking for the ENTIRE week - I'm horrible I ate out every night! Haha!

Salmon, shiitake, fishcake, maguro cheek, asparagus and tomato skewers followed by a seafood natto mix and croquette (not pictured cause we didn't have to cook those).
So now I understand why I stopped blogging for such a prolonged period of time... It takes me a good while! It's already past midnight! Time for bed. Some random thoughts before I zzzz:
1) Besotted with t-shirts by The Row. They are so comfy/sexy chic.
2) Very nervous for tomorrow - Game 2!!! Come on Celtics, pull through and make it a series!!!
3) Really not looking forward to rainy season...
4) TG for my AC.
5) Airplanes=new favorite song.
6) My TV is coming in about two weeks yipee!
7) New sport to take up: Tennis?
8) Fleetwood Mac - Gypsy
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