I don't want to talk about Game 7. Ever. As a consolation, I thought I'd root for Japan in the World Cup game. They let me down too. Sports does not equal happiness so I'm convinced that I should just stick to shopping (which always equals happiness).

The speaker looks like Wall-E!!! The robot!!! He's hidingggg.

Me & Marie - We had a mini Word Cup party and our host, Will, loves tequila. Gross.

The girls!

Later that night... Pit-stop@ Club DIX

After DIX - Which is in my neighborhood - I had a stalker incident. ***Stop reading here if it's late at night and esp. if you live alone!!! As I was leaving (Miki took a cab back to Ebisu) I noticed this Middle Eastern guy walking in board shorts. Didn't think it was a big deal and went to the 7/11 to grab some tea. Then I noticed he was also in the 7/11. I was slightly paranoid (better to be safe then sorry) so I just consciously kept an eye out for where he was and tried to lose him by having him walk in front of me on the opposite side of the street. When he continued to linger behind I popped into our 24 hour supermarket thinking I'd get rid of him. Turned around and WHAM BAM he was right behind me. Shot him the dirtiest look I could give and then went the second floor thinking "Is he seriously following me?!" Returned downstairs and saw him outside the market loitering but waited around till I saw he was gone. Creepy. There's crazies everywhere. Made the mistake of telling my mom... Who told my dad... And now they're scared for me. Yeah not so bright of me! Gonna start carrying around a whistle I think haha.
On a flightier note - This is what I look like when I go to work! I break the rules- I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to expose shoulders. But it's too damn humid and I'm not used to covering up! I think they let me slide since I'm the youngest one on my floor by about 6 years...

Scarf: Chanel, top: vintage Diabless, skirt: vintage from mom, pumps: YSL, necklace: Betsey Johnson, bracelets: gifted Ferragamo and Hermes from mom
Was going for a nautical look here and brought a navy sweater with me as well. Still not a fan of the whole work outfit thing - But getting better at coordinating I think!
And then they both told me. Now everyone is scared!
ReplyDeleteOf course they did... Don't be scared! I'm tough and street smart (or that's what I like to think)