It was such a beautiful day in Tokyo! So warm! I walked from my house to Hiro since it was so sunny and cool out... Hiro is actually quite close to Azabujuban, only a 15 minute walk! Once there, I met some friends (old and new!) and we walked to the old French embassy to look at an art exhibit called "No Man's Land". The whole embassy was turned into a Japanese/French themed museum... We're talking painted offices, huge murals in the hallways and in the courtyards, water falls at the top of the building, it was crazy. I believe that they are tearing it down soon so it's essentially the last time for the public to see it.
And our three-hour journey begins...

Lea was smacking Sumo's bum, and I was trying to kiss him... Lucky guy.

The Red Shoes

This was probably my favorite piece at the exhibit: Unno Ryota's Great Wall Bar. It basically was a huge mural of Japanese/French cultural activities (French on the left/west-->shifting to Japanese on the right/east)

The Hot Pink Room!

Weird girl Harumi.

I also liked this artist! But I forgot his name... I'm pretty sure he painted the other two below, too. All of these paintings were huge canvases on both sides of the hallway.
Check out Dragonball with an onsen in his head!

Love this!

This too. Land of the rising sun... In the city on steroids.

Now this is beautifully disturbing... Do you see what I see?

Ooolala how romantic. I can't believe this was an exhibit! Looks like fun to roll around in all that cotton haha.

The guy is wearing PLAY by Comme des Garcon!

Fun!! The papers were images of basketballs!

Artist at work.

The Girls! (Minus Mai & Greg)

After a lot of walking, we were beat. Nothing better than burgers, onion rings and fries! Homeworks Burgers in Hiro. (I realized in the midst of scarfing down my food to take a picture)

After being uncomfortably stuffed, I walked around my second home, Roppongi Hills! Zara was having an amazing sale so I picked up a few things (couldn't resist)- Black skirt for work, black tunic, black top, black belt. I just love BLACK.
On my stroll home, they were having some sort of MJ event- I need to research this more but I think they have a big MJ museum in Tokyo somewhere. I sat and listened to an old interview they had of him... He really sounds like such a sweet man, and it makes me sad that he was depicted as such a whacko by the media!

Finally, home sweet home! Eager to come home and blog after a great weekend... They go by too fast!!!
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