Check out the goodies I got tonight (pictured below). All that for just under 500yen!

I love love the Hokkaido milk bread, it's my favorite. The mochimochi apple muffin is also very good and tastes pretty healthy! As for the two partially nibbled chocolate pastries, 初めて食べた (first time I ate it). The one on the left was called "Chocolate Fondue." It's basically chocolate bread with a chocolate center. It was OKAY. I'm not a big chocolate fan (as some of you may know) but it's starting to grow on me with age, I think. The pastry on the right, however was delicious! It was called "Chocolate Macaroon" and it did sorta taste like a soft macaroon!
Ok whoa... Just found out the Chocolate Macaroon also has a chocolate center! Sugoi!
Mont Thabor
2 min from Azabujuban Station Exit 4!
haha this should just be a food blog, alans