Thursday = Dinner with Famiri at Samrat. Love butter chicken and nan. Stuffed. Jumanji. Famiri out on a school night. Lex. Dance machines. Popping Moet. Thanks E~.
Friday = Zonked. Died at work. Bowling with coworkers (aka Bowlktoberfest). I suck at bowling. Nap time. Woke up>>VANITY!!! So fun. Packed. Elevated platforms. Jager bombs - secretly poured in about 1/4 of the jager shot, dumped the rest on the plastic bar top hehe. Veuve for my promotion. Thanks S~. Stroll home with W&S. St. Moritz Bakery. Teriyaki kitchen sandwich=breakfast. Hello 7AM.
Saturday = Day of rest! Caught up on GG, cleaned. Wanted to go out for a run but it started to pour on me... Opted to eat instead (see below) :)

Omuraisu at Windsor Cafe - so fluffy!

The rain subsided, I went for a stroll around Moto-Azabu and found this cute hedge decorated with lights, jack-o-lanterns and ghosts for Halloween!!! I love walking in the rain with my iPod - so therapeutic! Went home, relaxed and stayed IN.
Sunday = More vegging out. 10/10/10 matsuri in Juban = a big disappointment. Juban means #10 in Japanese so my neighborhood had advertised this big festival. Went with M~ and we were walking around thinking "Okay where are all the food booths, games, etc. WHAT IS THIS?!" Publicity stint!!! Decided to go to Shimokitazawa - one of the many things to check off of our "Tokyo To-Do List".

Artwork in Shimokitazawa!

Stumbled upon Hanjiro - my favorite vintage store

SO BLURRY - but found this incredible vintage steal there! The left side is adorned with tons of chains hanging down.

Veggie restaurant in Shimokitazawa that we need to go to....

CHABUYA !!! Same company as the one in LA on Sawtelle! Apparently their ramen has won lots of awards - Must also go back here... ***Note, we had girls night later so we couldn't eat and I was STARVING the entire time...

Cool crossing - across the train tracks.

More artwork~

Cute yakitori restaurant I'd want to try - mmm smelled sooo good.

As I mentioned previously, I was starving - So I got a tea/milk flavored taiyaki. Was pretty good, would have been better with a coffee (it was SWEET)... After I finished I tell M~ "I'M STILL HUNGRY!!!"

Artist at work.

This shirt embodies Tokyo.

Fancy Muji

After Shimokitazawa we had some time to spare before going to N~'s house for girls night!!! So we took PURIKURA!!! MY FAVORITE!!! So much fun :) Check out some of our poses - sooo Japanese hahah we copied what the models were doing in the pictures....

Girls night!!! Thanks for the curry N&N!!! So much fun. Watched London Namaste - a Bollywood chick flick. Didn't think I would like it but I actually loved it.

Ahem - went out again Sunday haha. This is taken before going home (yes we were out till sunrise AGAIN)... One hour of karaoke turned into three full hours of singing our hearts out - These two are rock stars!!! So much fun to go with people who can actually sing... W&K = Indo/Korean popstarssss... Memorable moments: Love the Way You Lie. I Believe I Can Fly. Dragon Ash. Miss Independent. Empire State of Mind. Maroon 5. OMG so much fun!!!!
Monday = Halloween/M's present shopping.

N & her Corona glasses - perfection.

Barbacoa - My FAT SALAD. SO GOOD!!!

Happy Birthday M~ XOXO

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