2. RIP Juicy bling studs... (; ;). Seriously a bit sad that one of them broke.
3. Long day of house shopping today after work! Super fun! Pictures below (yes, I know dorky, but I get really excited about these things... A little TOO excited...)! But it's my first time to pick out things for own apartment! These are milestones to remember! Everyday my place is more like a home!
4. Thai buffet was way too filling for lunch...My goodness I was uncomfortably full for most of the afternoon.
5. Found out my android is compatible with my mac yay!
6. I was in a serious cleaning mood tonight...
7. I can't fall asleep for some reason...
8. I love my new desktop... Rotating shots from Spring 2010 runway.
9. Why does my house get dusty so quickly?!
10. Excited for the 4 day work week (^.^)
11. Valentines Day here is so backwards. Why do we give chocolate to boys?! I really don't get it... And then in March there is "White Day" where boys reciprocate and give girls things... So I have to go buy chocolate now for all my guy friends...And expect nothing this year in return. Well that's no fun! ;) I'll go buy a present for myself then! :)12. I'm so in love with Franc Franc.
This is sooo adorable! Probably one of my favorite things that I got today. It's a tea set! And I love pigs (plus I'm a little piggy - so my mommy/friends tell me cause I eat so much... unfortunately this is too true!).
Piggy teapot comes with a strainer inside
My plates! Another favorite! I love how they go together with everything! Apparently I have good taste, the lady at Franc Franc told me they were in some TV drama in Japan. Pretty cool, huh?
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