It's March. It rained today. And then the rain turned into snow. Today I quite possibly saw the most snow I've seen since I've been here! On my way home I walked at an incredibly slow pace because not only had the snow started to stick to the ground, but the pavement was slushy and slippery from all rain (we all know how clumsy I am)! By the time I got home my flats were soaking wet and my feet were numb. It's supposed to snow again tomorrow... Supposedly by Thursday and Friday it will be warm again. Global warming at it's best, I guess.
1. Hot tea was amazing on a cold day like this. So was Korean tofu soup for lunch! Yuna Kim's (the ice skater) picture was hanging in the restaurant we ate at today- Apparently she also ate there when she was in Japan!
2. I seriously can't get enough of Gossip Girl! Tonight I managed to restrain thankfully and cleaned the apartment...
3. After Tokyo... I'm thinking... NYC :)
4. What would I do without my beloved Burberry umbrella?
5. I hope I get to wear rain boots to work tomorrow.
6. Tired.
7. Went karaoke for the first time this past weekend (since I've been here!)!!! SO FUN! I took a stab at two Japanese songs hahaha. I failed. I can't read Japanese that fast... But I can't wait to go again.
8. I think I'm going to hibernate away from society soon... Starting in... April.
9. I want a camel leather jacket.
10. Can't wait for Spring and Ohanami!!!